5 Of The Best Natural Anxiety Relief Products We Love.

There are a lot of strategies out there for managing your mind while you have anxiety, like meditating and exercising, but today we are going to talk about 5 of the best natural anxiety relief products we can use to help ease our anxiety.


best natural anxiety relief


When your anxiety is high, you are taught to use mental exercises to control your mind, which can take a crazy amount of effort. Sometimes for me, an outside stimulus can help to ease symptoms when you lack the energy to tackle it from within. Today we are looking at the 5 best natural anxiety relief products I love, for the days when you need something outside of you to help you calm the inside.

We are going to learn the best natural anxiety relief products to help in the workplace, at home, and even with sleep.

After reading this post you’ll be able to choose the right products to help you get some anxiety relief.

*Disclaimer* I am not a medical professional, all advice given on this website is from my own research and experience. It is recommended you seek medical help to help with anything struggles you are experiencing.

This post is all about 5 of the best natural anxiety products we love.

Best Natural Anxiety Relief Products 


1) Lavender.

how to reduce anxiety immediately

If you haven’t heard of this yet or been told about it, you may well have been hiding under a rock. But since anxiety can do that to you, that’s okay.

I am currently obsessed with lavender in any form. I’m not sure if it’s become an addiction because of the help it gave me while I was suffering, but I like this addiction. Whether I smell lavender or stumble upon a plant, it gives this inner sense of happiness, safety and calm. Like meeting an old friend, I have a lot to thank it for.

Lavender is one of or even the best natural anxiety relief that you can get your hands on.

What’s so great about Lavender?

Scientists have found evidence in studies that lavender helps with anxiety symptoms. These studies suggest it is mainly brought about by the smell produced.
The smell of lavender essential oil activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is what helps us to relax.

So if you’ve ever found yourself wondering what reduces anxiety immediately, a good whiff of Lavender can help you on the way to do just that.
The benefits I felt when using lavender essential oil are:

  • Relieving hyperventilation (it helps me to slow my breathing back down).
  • My muscles release their tension.
  • My shakiness is reduced.
  • it feels like I’ve literally breathed in peace and breathed out some of my worries.

It’s my go-to now for relieving my stress and helping to calm myself, I just unscrew the bottle cap, waft it around in the air and breathe in. And I can do this anywhere. It’s honestly one of the best natural stress and anxiety relief products out there.

(Note; not all essential oils come pure and they are not always regulated. As always, check with your healthcare provider, most should not be applied directly to the skin. The good news with Lavender is we just need it for the smell)

If you want more information on Lavender essential oil and its benefits check it out here.




Herbal Tea.


best natural stress and anxiety relief

Who doesn’t feel relaxed with a hot drink? That’s exactly how you’ll feel with this best natural anxiety relief product.

In all seriousness though, camomile tea is the tea. Studies have also shown that camomile can also help with the symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia. So, this tea is the one to source out first. This best all natural anxiety relief will help you to wind down to get a good night’s sleep and reset your body.

I also drink other herbal teas, another to help with the symptoms of anxiety and depression is turmeric. A word of warning though, turmeric has a very strong taste and even after drinking it for years it still shocks me. So, I add a little honey to my tea to give it a nice flavour.

Note; there are some instances where camomile might not be suited to you.








A weighted blanket.

what reduces anxiety immediately

Full disclosure, I didn’t own my weighted blanket when I was suffering the most from my anxiety. (If you aren’t aware this was when it was lasting several months, and it also brought depression along with it). However, early last year with COVID and work issues I found myself overwhelmed and stressed. It go to the point where right before work I experienced the dreaded panic attack.
This panic attack induced more panic, as I was then panicking about going back to living with anxiety.

Later that day after I had finished work and composed myself, I reached for my book of research. This book was created after my first experience with anxiety to help combat it. I brought back all my tactics to make sure I would not go down the same path as before.
One thing I never had the first time around was a weighted blanket, so this time I invested. Oh my god, it was worth it. Now when I get into bed I love being greeted by what feels like a hug from my weighted blanket. I am excited by the thought of bed.

How do they help?

Weighted blankets essentially help ground your body by pressing it downwards which also simulates a type of therapy known as deep pressure touch. They can help with symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia.
It is recommended to use a blanket that is 5-10 percent of your body weight.

I use a 6kg blanket. It took a little getting used to sleeping under and it was a while before I slept under it for the whole night. Although I did live under it when I first got it, using it anytime I could (whilst watching TV or reading a book) because I really felt the blanket helped to calm me. These days I only use it at night, mainly because I enjoy the feeling and it also helps me get better sleep.

This is one of my favourite natural anxiety relief products, it really feels like it reduces anxiety immediately.





what is the best anxiety relief

It’s time to slow down and help encourage your body to relax and reset. The best way I do this is by lighting candles.

Candles really set the mood in a room and the type of light they release helps our body to relax. If you can get your hands on a candle that is specially scented to help you relax, go for it. If not, any candle will do. Set them up with a nice relaxing bath, in your workspace to calm you at work, to read a book or listen to music.

I always have a candle on when I am working. I tend to feel like everything needs to be finished, NOW, building my tension and making me feel rushed. Candles in my workspace help me to slow down. Helping me to put more effort into what I am doing now rather than trying to rush to finish it.










Colouring book.

best all natural anxiety relief

So many people have informed me about using colouring books to help while their anxiety is high. And I have to say I agree with them. To me, it feels like a form of meditation that is a little kinder than actually meditating. Sometimes, I feel like meditation can put more emphasis on my thoughts. Which isn’t what I want, because when I have anxiety and depression they aren’t the greatest of thoughts.
With colouring, it feels therapeutic. Thoughts easily come and go as you focus more on what you are doing and less on the thoughts that are appearing. It feels like my thoughts aren’t as overwhelming.
So grab some pencils, and a book and pop on some relaxing music to help calm your mind.







This post was all about 5 of the best natural anxiety relief products we love.

I hope they can help you to get a little relief from the stress and strains, just

like they did for me.


Alway here if you need, just pop me a message.


Bianca x


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