Please read our privacy police and disclaimer. 


This website does not provide medical or health advice. It is intended to give you information only. It is not a replacement for professional medical advice or fitness advice. Visitors who use this site and rely on any information do so at their own risk. It is recommended that you never ignore professional advice because of what you read on this site. If you think you need medical advice please consult a professional.
All information on this blog is not guaranteed to be up-to-date or accurate and is based solely on the benefits the author has experienced. The author is not a licensed dietitian or fitness expert. The author and blog disclaim any liability for any mishap for engaging in ideas from this blog.
This site may contain links to other websites or content belonging to third parties. These links are not investigated or monitored, we do not assume responsibility for the information provided on these sites.
This site may contain links to affiliate websites. This means if you click through or purchase then I may get a commission from the sale.

Privacy Policy

Bianca Michaela (“We”) are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.
This policy (together with our terms of use and any other documents referred to on it) sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it. By visiting or contacting us in respect of supplying services or parts, you are accepting and consenting to the practices described in this policy.

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act), the data controller is Bianca Michaela Child. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, we set out our Fair Processing notice summary

Information we may collect from you
We may collect and process the following data about you:
1. Information you give us. Personal data will be processed fairly and lawfully. Our company name is Bianca Michaela Child and we will only collect information that is relevant for us as a company to provide services and goods to our customers, or information from our suppliers in order to carry out the service provision for our company and customers. You can access the information held and correct it if it is incorrect by contacting us. We will not use any information held with other third parties unless there is a lawful request for such information or we have obtained your permission beforehand. The information you give us may include your name, address, email address, phone number, personal description and for our suppliers financial information. Any financial information provided by our customers will not be held by our company for more than 2 days.
• Information we collect about you. With regard to each of your visits to our site we may automatically collect the following information:
o · technical information, including the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform;
o · information about your visit, including the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through and from our site (including date and time); products you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page and any phone number used to call our customer service number.

Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. For detailed information on the cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them see our Cookie policy.

Uses made of the information
We use information held about you in the following ways:
• Information you give to us. We will use this information:
o · to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into between you and us and to provide you with the information, products and services that you request from us;
o · to provide you with information about other goods and services we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about;
o · to provide you with information about goods or services we feel may interest you. If you are an existing customer, we will only contact you by electronic means (e-mail or SMS) with information about goods and services similar to those which were the subject of a previous sale or negotiations of a sale to you. If you are a new customer, we will contact you by electronic means only if you have consented to this. If you do not want us to use your data in this way, please inform us.
o · to notify you about changes to our service;
o · to ensure that content from our site is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer.

• Information we collect about you. We will use this information:
o · to administer our site and for internal operations, including troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statistical and survey purposes;
o · to carry out our provision of services and goods to you in the most efficient, effective way;
o · to improve our site to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your computer;
o · to allow you to participate in interactive features of our service, when you choose to do so;
o · as part of our efforts to keep our site safe and secure;
o · to measure or understand the effectiveness of advertising we serve to you and others, and to deliver relevant advertising to you;
o · to make suggestions and recommendations to you and other users of our site about goods or services that may interest you or them.
o We will keep the information collected to a bare minimum that is adequate for us to carry out our provision of services and goods.
Disclosure of your information
We will not use any information held with other third parties unless there is a lawful request for such information, or in order to enforce or apply our terms of use, terms and conditions of supply and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Bianca Michaela Child our customers, or others or we have obtained your permission beforehand in order to carry out repairs on your boat. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organisations for the purposes of fraud protection and credit risk reduction. or we have obtained your permission beforehand.

Where we store your personal data
The data that we collect from you will not be transferred to outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).
All information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers. Any payment transactions will be encrypted using SSL technology. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share a password with anyone.
Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our site; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we have received your information, we will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised access.

Your rights
You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes. We will usually inform you (before collecting your data) if we intend to use your data for such purposes. You can exercise your right to prevent such processing by checking certain boxes on the forms we use to collect your data. You can also exercise the right at any time by contacting us at
Our site may, from time to time, contain links to and from the websites of our partner networks, advertisers and affiliates. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own privacy policies and that we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any personal data to these websites.

Access to information
You have a right to a copy of the information that we hold on your personal data, right to object to processing that may cause damage or distress, right to prevent direct marketing, right to object to decisions being taken by automated means, right for inaccurate personal data to be rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed and right to claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of the Act.
Any access request may be subject to a fee up to £20 to meet our costs in providing you with details of the information we hold about you.
Changes to our privacy policy Any changes we may make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by e-mail. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

Questions, comments and requests regarding this privacy policy are welcomed and should be addressed to