Winter Wellness Tips to Make You Thrive Into Spring.

Want to know the best winter wellness tips so you can thrive this Winter? These are the no-nonsense winter wellness tips you need to know about. 

Winter wellness tips


Winter can be one of the most daunting time of the year for most of us. The sun disappears, the temperature gets colder, the weather gets harsher and winter illnesses can be everywhere. Today we’re talking about winter wellness tips to help you get the most out of winter and ready yourself for spring.

You will learn the best winter wellness tips to help you avoid the colds, and keep your skin glowing and the winter blues at bay.

After learning about these winter wellness tips you’ll be giving Santa a run for his money this winter.

This post is all about the winter wellness tips to make you thrive into spring. 

Winter Wellness Tips



Find your own sunlight.

5 tips for winter wellness

With the sun running away from us in the winter our Vitamin D levels drop. Vitamin D, also referred to as the sunshine vitamin, is produced from cholesterol when our skin sees the sunlight. It’s an important vitamin which can help protect us against depression and helps with our immune health.
Vitamin D levels also play a role in our energy levels, the fact the sun goes to bed earlier in the winter wreaks havoc with our own sleep-wake cycles so this is one of the most important tips for how to make it through winter.

How can we make up for it?

1) Top it up with some supplements. The recommended daily amount of Vitamin D is 2000-4000 IU.
2) Think about a light therapy alarm clock. This is a godsend to me. I have removed waking up with a sound alarm completely, the sun ‘rises’ at the same time in my bedroom every day. Not only does it help with waking because the light is already on, but it also promotes a more natural way to wake from a good night’s sleep.
3) Try a light therapy light. They can help to mimic the natural light we get outside and so help to boost our Vitamin D levels. Check out this article if this sounds like something you’d like to try.




Find the outside where you can.

health and wellness tips for winter

The next health and wellness tip for winter is all about the outdoors. With the loss of daylight hours it can be difficult for us to get outside as much as we’d like and so we lose the benefits of being outdoors; healthy eyesight, reduced stress, increased happiness, improved creativity, better memory, better work performance and a nicer nights sleep to name a few.

Try and sneak in a walk in your lunch hour, make sure to get out a the weekends. But also think about bringing the outside into your house. Try adding a few house plants to your living space, not only can they help relax us, but with all the windows and doors being shut we have less air circulation in our house. House plants can actually help to purify the air around us too.









Make your diet colourful.

top tips for winter wellnessIt’s extremely tempting to give in to more snacky foods in the winter, but with all the colds jumping around it’s one of the most important times to watch what we eat. By all means, treat yourself to that hot chocolate, but also make sure you’re getting in the other foods you need. The best way to give your body the nutrients it needs is to create the rainbow on your plate. Treat yourself to some warm soup and try and get as many colours in there as you can. This top tip for winter wellness can really help you boost your immune system, avoid colds and keep you energy levels up, so when they colour fades outside make it colourful on your plate!








Give yourself an extra top-up.

how to make it through winter

Cold and flu really enjoy doing the rounds in the winter, so this is the best time to top up on our supplements as well as mixing up the colours in our diet. Try picking up a multivitamin to go with your Vitamin D supplement, a few important vitamins to look out for are; vitamin c, B6, B12, Zinc, Magnesium and Potassium.







Stay hydrated in every way you can.

winter wellness tips 2022

The elements really wreak havoc with our skin over the winter, both inside and outside, our bodies and our houses. The mix of weather and adding in central heating into our homes means our skin takes a knocking.
Make sure to treat your skin to a little extra on the outside. Whether that means add in a face mask to your weekly routine or just making sure you get the skincare routine in every day. Be sure to keep some lip balm handy too!
The outside is only as good as the in, this is one of the most important times of the year to get up our hydration levels and get in the water consumption. Have a handy water bottle always close by and especially next to the bed. When you wake up in the morning make it a first priority to drink some water (even before the coffee!), you’re cells have gone the whole night without water so make it a priority to hydrate them ASAP.





Don’t let your muscles hibernate.

january wellness tips

I know, it’s so tempting to let the activity levels and the workout plans drop along with the loss of sunlight, but we’ll really regret that when Spring comes around.
There are a crazy amount of benefits to working out, and studies have shown something is better than nothing. So if you are wanting to wind down a little earlier, instead of dropping your workouts completely, why not drop the length? 20 minutes of exercise a day is better than nothing at all. If you feel your energy levels drop in the winter, why not shift the focus of your workouts to ones with a little less intensity like yoga or a walk.






Find ways to enjoy the passing of time.

wellness ideas for january

As if the sun running away from us isn’t enough by itself, it also tries to steal our social and adventure life. We tend to do a lot less in the winter and so it feels like we have a lot less to enjoy.
Take a minute to make a plan of things you might enjoy over the winter, rainy days in reading, planning out a binge on Netflix, or going ice skating.
Just because we want to avoid the cold and the rain more doesn’t mean there is less to enjoy, so if you feel you go into hibernation in winter and lose a little bit of the joy of life, plan in a few things to help lift your spirits.







This post was all about Winter Wellness Tips to help you thrive until Spring. I hope you’ve found some inspirations to really enjoy this Winter and plant some great seeds until Spring.


Until next time




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