How to Be That Girl The Right Way.

So you’ve seen the ‘that girl’ trend and now you want to know how to be that girl? We’ll cover how to be That Girl the right way, making sure it’s more than just a trend by setting you up on the right track.

how to be that girl

If you’re into self-growth, self-development and self-improvement you might have stumbled upon the ‘That girl’ trend through Pinterest or Tiktok. If you’re anything like me depending on the day it can motivate you or dishearten you. Today we’ll talk about how to be That Girl the right way.

You will learn all about the pros and cons of how to be that girl and what the trend is really about.

After learning how to be That Girl the right way you’ll enjoy the journey and process a lot more than if you were to follow a ‘How to be That Girl’ checklist.

This post is all about How to be That Girl the Right Way.

How to be That Girl the Right Way.

Know it’s a vibe list, not a burnout list.

how to be that girl checklist

You’ve probably seen That Girl videos and checklists. She’s waking up to a healthy breakfast, gets in a workout, journals and meditates. She’s doing it all and this can sometimes make you feel disheartened. You may have already attempted the ‘That Girl’ trend, compiled your checklist, and then got burnt out trying to fit it all in.
Or you might be setting yourself up on your journey to becoming That Girl, but already feel overwhelmed at the sheer scale of it.
Go back to the inspiration that made you want to start the ‘That Girl’ journey, take a look at the videos and pictures and ask yourself ‘what does it make me feel?’.
When I watch the videos it makes me feel relaxed, confident and excited about the future and about the self-growth.
And THAT’S what we want to replicate in your life.
Does that girl rush around like a headless chicken to meditate and exercise before work making her just as stressed as she was before? Or is she enjoying the process, taking it in her stride and romanticising life?

For me, that girl is really enjoying her daily routine, It makes her feel relaxed and confident, not overwhelmed and rushed.

This leads us to our next tip for how to be That Girl the right way…


Play with your routine.

how to be that girl aesthetic

Some videos will show you ‘That Girl’ waking up at 5.30 before heading straight for a workout, and if you can jump out of bed and straight into a workout, great! But if you’re slower to wake, or it takes something else to get you motivated and excited for your day in the morning then use that.
We are all so different, from the times we go to bed, to the most productive hours of our day. So play around and explore what works for you.
I might rise early but it also takes me an hour to fully wake up, people will tell you not to go on social media in the morning, and I do agree that if it’s just to scroll it probably isn’t the healthiest habit. However, I find posting on social media while I sip my coffee in the morning actually motivates me to get up and seize the day. I’ve told the world I’m doing it, I’ve romanticised my life through it and so it gives me a hit of excitement to actually go and do it.

Remember it’s all about the vibe, so play around and see what makes you excited to wake up and what times you get in the best workouts.

Play around.

See if you can find you’re own hacks.

For me, I can find it difficult to journal during the day, nearly always forgetting to do it too.
I stumbled upon a hack one day and it’s been one of the best changes I’ve made. I combine journaling with that Hot Girl walk, and now it’s a Therapy Walk.
Each day when I head out on my walk, I open the voice note app on my phone and press record, and then I just start speaking. I cover how I’m feeling, any life events, my to-do list for the day or things that I’ve learned.
These walks have made it easy for me to hit two habits in less time. Not only has my mental health improved from walking and talking but I also have more time for myself at the end of the day. And for me, That Girl has a relaxing evening after a productive day.


Be That Girl Inside and Out.

how to be that girl schedule

It’s not really a How to be That Girl Guide if we don’t touch on the effective habits of That Girl.
She looks after her body inside and out. But remember That Girl is a Vibe, not a checklist, so pick the ones that give you the right vibes.

  • Stay hydrated.
  • Get your body moving.
  •  Fuel your body right.
  •  Have a skincare routine.
  •  Meditate.
  •  Journal.
  •  Add self-development into your day through podcasts or books.


Hack Your Motivation.

how to be that girl book

If you’re starting to get tired or you start to feel your motivation wavering I have a trick to spike that dopamine and help you reach your That Girl goals.
You might hear people say social media isn’t good for us, but that’s all dependent on how we use it. My Tiktok for example is more like motivationtok, the visual aspect for me really helps to motivate me. I save videos into categories based on my goals. If I need to work out but I’m really not feeling it that day, I hop over to Tiktok, open my workout file and scroll until that dopamine kicks in.
Too tired to clean? I use the same tactic, it honestly really helps me to get through tough days and tough weeks helping me to keep going with my That Girl habits. So start creating your motivation files.


Romanticise The Journey.

how to be that girl pinterest

It’s a long journey, more like a life journey so make sure you’re enjoying it.
Do you enjoy your skincare routine? What would make it better? For me, it’s blaring Taylor Swift out the speakers while I exfoliate my face.

Do you enjoy reading self-development books? What would make it more exciting?
I love lighting candles and putting some YouTube ambience on in the background.

Make the daily activities more exciting because that is what your life is comprised of, the daily activities.

But also take more time out to date yourself!
Each Monday for me is Date Day. I treat myself that day and really romanticise my life. From a walk to cooking up a new recipe. Whether I choose to spend the day painting or reading, the day is dedicated to dating myself and making a big deal of it.
Really take the time to romanticise it, take pictures and videos to show yourself you really are becoming ‘That Girl’.
That’s how to be That Girl the Right Way, by focusing on a journey of self-growth with a journey of loving the life you live.


This post was all about How to be That Girl the Right Way.


Related Posts: 

The Anatomy of How to Journal for Self Growth.


How To Plan Your Goals Like A Pro


The Epic Formula on How to Change Your Lifestyle to be Healthy




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