How To Plan Your Goals Like A Pro

Want to know how to plan your goals in a way to help you actually achieve them? Let’s talk about what you need to know and how to set your goals up for success.

how to plan your goals


You might already have an idea of what goals you want to hit or you might be wondering how to choose the right goals for you. Today we’re covering the best ways to identify your goals and how to plan your goals in a way that makes achieving them feel that much more satisfying.

You will learn how to plan your goals, why you want to achieve those goals and also how to set up for when your motivation dips.

After learning how to plan your goals you’re going to enjoy the journey as well as the end destination.

This post is all about how to plan your goals like a pro.


How To Plan Your Goals Like A Pro. 

The first part of the formula.


Understanding your goals.

how to set your goals and achieve them
When I first started setting and achieving goals I chose goals which didn’t actually make me happy the way I thought they would. I chose material goals and success status’ that I thought I wanted, but actually if I broke it down they were either what other people wanted or they only brought me temporary happiness.
So when setting goals try and understand why you think you want them, how do you think they will make you feel?
Think about the person you have to become to achieve this goal, and will you be happy being that person?
To discover if the goals are right for you, dive deep into HOW you want to feel. How do you want to feel when you wake up in the morning? And what gives you that feeling? What kind of person do you need to be to achieve this? What would give you this feeling?

Our example: You want bigger glutes. But why? You may think you want bigger glutes because it will bring you happiness, but how long will that last before you take it for granted and start searching for something else?
Now think about who you have to become to get the bigger glutes, you will have to be committed to the gym, have to lift weights and monitor your food to achieve that goal. Is that someone you’d enjoy being? Is that something that you could wake up every day excited to do?
Make sure the goal is worth eating the rubbish sandwich for. (In this case, the rubbish sandwich is always being on it with your food and fitness.)


Get better by just 1 %

how to set a goal in life

Now you understand why you want to achieve the goal, it’s time to really break it down, and I mean baby steps.
It’s not all or nothing. It’s one small step at a time.
Don’t even try it, don’t. Hold yourself back from creating a day crammed full of activities to get you moving towards your goal. A day where you wake up at 5 am and work out, before having a healthy breakfast and heading out to work listening to that self-improvement podcast.
You don’t want to hear this, no one wants to hear that the journey is slow. We all wish for a get-rich-quick answer like we can decide who we’re going to be and tomorrow we’ll wake up as them.
But realistically we won’t, otherwise making and achieving goals would be easy. We’d already be able to squat 120kg or run a multimillion-dollar business. But we can’t, we have to learn to become the better us to achieve our goals, and it’s with small progress.

Get specifics about the goal (check out SMART goals), but get more specific about the steps.
Pick one thing first. One habit you’re going to pick up, and how you can integrate it into your life in a tiny way, in a way that it can slowly increase and make a lasting change.

Our example: We want bigger glutes and eventually that will mean going to the gym 4 times a week. That’s a big ask if we aren’t already going to the gym, so start smaller.
Start with a home workout 4 times a week but for 20 minutes. Slowly increase it up until you get to one hour without you even noticing you’ve been doing it.
You’ve lost 30 minutes of ‘free’ time but it was a slow and steady change. A lasting change. Now try the gym, and if you can’t keep it up, reduce that time.

Small seemingly insignificant changes are what will change who you are as a person and get you towards your goals without burnout.


Does your goal involve a lifestyle change?

setting goals

These are the most difficult goals to achieve because motivation doesn’t last. So you need to think about how you can enjoy the journey and the new lifestyle.
Going to start exercising? Choose an exercise program you will enjoy and be excited to do.
Said you were going to start a side hustle after work? Think about how you can make that hour something you look forward to doing every day. Will a certain ambience in the room make you want to work in the evenings? Candles, music, tea?
Think about what you can do to make those changes in your life enjoyable and something you actually want to go and do, don’t just rely on your long-term motivation because it doesn’t always last.

Our examples: To grow the glutes we need to change our lifestyle to include lifting weights. How can you make this something you look forward to? New leggings? A workout playlist? A gym buddy?

Make sure to set time aside for you to recharge you.

how do you plan to achieve your goals

If you’ve blocked out your whole week to focus on achieving your goals and there’s no time for you… you’re heading for burnout.
I want you to plan in time for you, and make it an activity that will recharge you. If you want to binge on Netflix consider whether it’s actually recharging you or just occupying your time.
Some ways I like to recharge are: baking (slow baking, with music and enjoying the process), painting, getting creative with crafts, hikes, baths, reading and days out shopping for new books.
Start looking for activities you feel fill your soul and can recharge you ready for the next week ahead.


Now you know not just how to make a goal but the smaller steps it takes to get there I can’t wait to see your journey.


This post was all about how to plan your goals like a pro.


Get in touch if you need.


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